Lutronic ULTRA™ Pre And Post Treatment Instructions
Pre-treatment Instructions
- Absolutely no sun exposure or sunless tanner use on treatment areas. If skin appears to be sun exposed or sunless tanner has been used, treatment will be rescheduled.
- Discontinue use of tretinoin (Retin A) glycolic acid and salicylic acid one week prior to treatment.
- Discontinue aspirin products 1 week prior to treatment.
- Take Valtrex 500mg, twice a day beginning the day before your treatment if you have had cold sores in the past.
- If you have had other skin rejuvenation procedures in the past month, please discuss with your treatment provider. Procedures need to have adequate time spacing between them to avoid complications.
- You will experience mild swelling and redness for 2-3 days and may have some light flaking around day 4. Please keep this in mind for planning purposes.
- If an active acne break-out is present, please call the office to reschedule your appointment.
Post-treatment Instructions
- You may experience a sunburn like sensation for 1-2 hours immediately after the treatment. Cooling with an ice pack can provide relief to the treated area. Make sure to enclose the ice pack in sterile and dry gauze to prevent water from penetrating the tissue in the treatment area.
- Keep the treatment area moisturized. After the first day, gently wash and pat the skin gently dry for two days. Do not scrub the treated area. Moisturize daily. Usually, any crust will separate naturally within 5-7 days after the treatment.
- Do not use cosmetics which contain active ingredients such as tretinoin (Retin A), AHA, or alcohol for at least 1 week after treatment.
- Avoid exercising for the first 3 days post-treatment or until initial healing has occurred. Increased redness may result from any activity that increases blood flow or body temperature (e.g alcohol consumption, exercise, and sauna).
- For at least 20 days after treatment, apply UVA/UVB sunblock daily with SPF of at least 30. Use an umbrella, hat or any other available protection against sunlight while spending time outdoors.
If you have any questions or concerns, call The Skin Center at 1-800-429-1151.