Tummy Tuck & Belly Button Surgery

Who Is a Candidate for a Tummy Tuck?

Ideal candidates for a tummy tuck are patients who have lost a significant amount of weight or women who have had children and are struggling to get rid of stubborn fat and excess skin from their abdominal section. Candidates should also be able to maintain realistic expectations about the results of their procedures.

Patients who have diabetes, hypertension, cardiac conditions, or upper abdominal scars may not be suitable for a tummy tuck. For those who are not done having children, we recommend they wait until their last pregnancy has been completed before considering a tummy tuck procedure.

The tummy is also not an alternative to traditional weight loss methods. Patients who are overweight or unable to maintain a stable weight may also not be suitable for a tummy tuck.

What Are the Benefits of a Tummy Tuck?

From relieving back pain to improving bladder issues, the tummy tuck procedure can provide many benefits to patients, including:

  • Eliminating stubborn fat
  • Improving a patient’s overall figure
  • Helping a patient reach their goal weight
  • Restoring weakened or separated muscles
  • Improving bladder function
  • Reducing infections and itching caused by excess skin
  • Taking pressure off the pelvic floor

What Are the Risks of a Tummy Tuck?

Just like any other surgery, a tummy tuck can include several risks that patients should be aware of. These risks can include:

  • Poor wound healing
  • Infection
  • Tissue damage
  • Unexpected scarring
  • Fluid accumulation
  • Changes in skin sensation
  • Unsatisfactory results

What Is Recovery Like After a Tummy Tuck?

The recovery experience can vary from patient to patient, depending on the progress of their healing and how well they follow post-surgery guidelines. However, on average, it can take up to six months for patients to fully recover from a tummy tuck procedure. Most patients take up to two weeks off from work or their normal routines to focus on rest and recovery. After four or five weeks, patients should be able to return to regular activities, such as exercise, without pain or complications.

Will My Belly Button Change With a Tummy Tuck?

During most tummy tucks, the belly button does not get removed or shifted at all. In most cases, the skin around the belly button will be moved, but the belly button will most likely stay in place. Incisions made during a tummy tuck are typically lower than the belly button.

What Should My Belly Button Look Like After a Tummy Tuck?

At The Skin Center, our highly qualified surgeons understand that patients want natural-looking results from their tummy tuck, including a natural-looking belly button. After each procedure, your belly button should look quite normal. Because the skin around the belly button is moved, your belly button can change position, but typically, not appearance. Once your surgeon moves the skin on your abdominal area to get rid of excess fat and achieve a lifted, contoured appearance, a new hole may be cut in the skin to ensure that the position of your belly button is proportionate to the size of your newly improved abdominal section.

In order to have a clear picture of what your belly button can look like post-procedure, we recommend looking at before-and-after tummy tuck photos from work that your surgeon has done previously.

How Do I Reshape My Belly Button After Tummy Tuck?

If you are unhappy with the way your belly button looks after your tummy tuck procedure, you may be a candidate for an umbilicoplasty, which is a procedure that will focus on the appearance of the belly button, altering it to appear more circular rather than horizontally oval, giving it a more aesthetically pleasing shape.

How Long Does It Take for My Belly Button to Heal After a Tummy Tuck?

Your belly button will heal along with the surrounding skin that was treated during your tummy tuck, which can usually take up to four to six weeks.

What Does a Tummy Tuck Do For Your Belly Button?

When a patient has stubborn fat or excess skin, it can be difficult to see the belly button where it naturally sits. This is why during a tummy tuck, with the removal of excess skin, the belly button can be repositioned to look more proportionate and noticeable to the new skin.

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